Why Prepare a Medical Case Chronology?

by | Published on Feb 29, 2016 | Medical Chronology

Preparation of an accurate medical case chronology is an important step in the medical record analysis and review process. A chronology must be precise, to the point, and clear. In fact, the more complex the case, the clearer should the chronology be. It should include all the relevant events and materials.

A well-drafted chronology will throw light on a complex series of facts. Preparation of a chronology is a difficult and responsible task. The reviewer must identify the matters that are to be included and to what extent they need to be included. This requires a clear understanding of the legal and medical issues involved and sharp focus. A good medical chronology will list the events and entries in the medical records that have relevance with regard to the issues on liability and causation.

  • A good chronology can help you win your case.
  • It helps to clarify the thinking process and make the entire story lucid.
  • It ensures complete discovery. You have a clear listing of the facts that are disputed and the facts that require sources that will be accepted in court.
  • Clearly drafted chronologies aid in communication. They are valuable in that everyone in the trial team can share all details regarding the case.
  • They are useful when preparing for depositions, during settlement conferences, when developing motions for summary judgment and during trial.
  • They can help to inform/educate the jury during opening statement. They also become helpful when you want to exemplify your arguments during closing.

A medical chronology is a great help for the legal professional when organizing and exploring case knowledge. To ensure that the chronology is an efficient and really useful tool, attorneys can consider obtaining medical record analysis and review services from a reliable medical record review company.

Discover our medical record review solutions and partner with us for your next case.

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