Medical Case Chronology – a Crucial Medical Review Service

by | Published on Jul 4, 2016 | Medical Chronology

Medical case chronology is a very important, value-added medical review service that attorneys can use when handling medical negligence, mass tort and personal injury cases. A well-prepared chronology will have a complete list of pertinent information associated with a patient in sequential order, providing each and every detail such as provider and record type. Complex medical information that non-medical professionals such as attorneys and their staff may not be able to locate easily is made available. Attorneys can locate records effortlessly at later stages. Chronologies are great tools for defense as well as prosecuting attorneys and help in identifying the actions of each medical professional.

A chronology has clear-cut sections such as the following.

  • Date and time information: This section contains a listing of the medical encounters according to date and time in sequential order.
  • Sources: The source of information will be specified with regard to facility and provider.
  • Documentation: The content is summarized and the document is named in accordance with the context.
  • Bates Page/label: Bates number or PDF page number identifies the location of a particular document. This page identifier is hyperlinked to ensure easy access to the original record.

Considering the various benefits offered by good medical case chronologies,

  • Attorneys can use them to present a strong case in court.
  • They provide a clear understanding of the medical events in the correct order so that all aspects of the case are unambiguous.
  • With hyperlinks provided to the right sources, any reference is made easy.
  • Assist in preparing witnesses for depositions.
  • Obtain information regarding missing or lost medical records.
  • Assist in evaluating the merit of a case.

To have a reliable and accurate medical case chronology, the best option attorneys have is to utilize the service of a medical record review company with an excellent track record. With such dedicated medical review service, legal professionals are ensured timely receipt of reviews in keeping with the deadlines. All medical records entrusted to the company are efficiently organized and arranged according to timelines. The medical chronologies prepared allow reconstruction of the medical events, facilitating easy reference and quick understanding of the case.

Discover our medical record review solutions and partner with us for your next case.

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