How Medical Case Chronologies Can Support Insurance Defense Injury Litigation

by | Published on Nov 11, 2015 | Medical Chronology

Insurance defense litigation can be really complex and must be carefully handled. Lawyers handling this type of cases have to examine every minute detail relevant to the case. The one sure way of having all the relevant medical information in hand is by preparing accurate chronologies – a proven method of recording medical data including highly complicated details. In the absence of a chronological case summary, you will be in a weak position, unsure whether you have missed something important from which the opposing party may profit. Needless to say, collecting and chronologically summarizing all past records of the claimant is an important element of the defense buttress. This will provide you with the real facts you may need later to refute any misrepresentation by the plaintiff.

Here are some ways in which medical case chronologies provide invaluable support to attorneys and their paralegal staff.

  • Enjoy the advantage of having all relevant medical facts in hand: Have the chronology prepared by a team comprising medical professionals. While it is true that paralegals in a law firm can prepare the chronology, it is always advisable to assign the work to a team comprising legal nurse consultants or physicians. This will ensure that the record review is scrupulously done with all the medical facts analyzed in detail.
  • Helps to avoid mistakes at various stages of litigation: Since a well-prepared chronology arms the attorney with organized facts pertaining to the case, they can analyze the lawsuit correctly. It will provide all details regarding the medical experts consulted, treatment provided, damages if any and so on. The data available will guide the defense attorney throughout the case and help avoid mistakes.
  • Helps in exposure assessment: Having a clear idea about the insurer’s upfront exposure assists in deciding the appropriate course to take. An accurate medical chronology highlights important medical details and also provides valuable insight into the damages incurred by the plaintiff. An awareness regarding the insurer’s monetary liability will help decide whether to settle the case, arbitrate, mediate or proceed to trial.
  • A good chronology is a very cost-effective tool: Well-prepared, accurate chronologies that are regularly updated will act as highly cost-effective tools assisting the litigator at every stage of the case. They present a ready, time saving summary of events. Moreover, attorneys can efficiently manage relevant information and avoid collecting the same facts again and again.

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