Holiday Activities for Your Law Firm – Stay Connected with Your Clients

by | Published on Dec 18, 2020 | Medical Record Review

Now that we are into the holiday season it’s time to think of some constructive activities for the holidays that will keep your clients engaged with you and also boost the spirit of your legal staff. Our medical review company is also filled with holiday cheer and we are busy sharing the spirit of the holidays with our valued clients through our blogs and other means of communication. No doubt, the holiday season is a unique time distinguished by a joyous and festive mood and a spirit of camaraderie. It’s also the right time to implement some good marketing ideas for your law firm, especially if you have some quality time on your hands.

So, here’s a list of things you can do to ensure that your law firm is all set to welcome the New Year and succeed in your endeavors.

  • Creatively Engage your Online Audience: One of the most important things lawyers need to focus on is let your audience know who you are, and show that you are welcoming, warm and caring – someone people can reach out to in their time of need.
    • Since most people are active on the internet and social media now, the best way to project your personality would be via blogs, videos, and social media posts.
    • To give people an idea about your office and staff, you can share behind the scenes images, information regarding the events you host or attend, and the causes you support.
    • Posting images related to your firm’s holiday events, the annual holiday party, your staff and their families, and so on will present you as an amicable person.
    • Consider sharing your accomplishments this year, and what you hope to accomplish in the coming year for your clients. This will help highlight your professional side and your expertise as a lawyer.
  • Find Some Time for Community Activities: The holidays provide excellent opportunities to serve the community. Consider volunteering in local events, or you could even sponsor a local event. Taking part in such activities off-site is a great way to associate with the people in your community and earn their respect. Some ways to involve in community activities are:
    • Collect new or seldom used clothing, hats, gloves and so on you can donate to the needy
    • Donate to a charity in your law firm’s name
    • Sponsor meals at a local soup kitchen

An effective way to find out opportunities to serve the community is by talking to non-profit organizations, the local media or your colleagues. This will help identify causes that you want to serve and those that may be lacking in funds. Community involvement will help bring greater visibility to your law firm and put you in a positive light. More than that, such participation will also provide a tremendous sense of personal satisfaction – since you are finding time to serve others. Other advantages are in terms of expanding your professional network and increasing your employee involvement and empowering them.

  • Consider Sending Holiday Cards to your Clients: This is another effective way to display your human side to your clients. Include a personalized message that will appeal to your clients and let them know you as a person and not just their attorney. Sending greeting cards and keeping in touch with your clients, both current and previous clients, could encourage them to hire you again in the face of a legal issue. Moreover, they may even recommend your service to their family and friends. Just sending a card wishing them happy holidays and reminding them that you are always available for support is a great way to reach out to your clients. Sending holiday greeting cards, emails, or making a personal phone call are all effective ways to stay in their minds.
  • Develop Holiday-Related Website and Blog Content: Holidays are the time when you can write informative or educational content for your website and blogs. Personal injury attorneys can write about how clients can keep safe during the holidays, while DUI attorneys can provide guidelines to people who may be attending drinking parties with their families and driving home. Whatever your area of practice, you can find something to write about. Though attorneys are busy people, they should make it a point to find time to develop interesting new content for their blogs, vlogs, podcasts, and eBooks. You can plan and develop the content to release in January 2021. Ideally, the content developed should address the concerns, needs, issues, questions, fears, and interests of your clients.
  • Give your Office a Facelift: Holidays are the ideal time to rejuvenate your office space. Make it warm and welcoming with some holiday decorations and other attractive items that add cheer. This is a great way to create a pleasant atmosphere for your staff to work in. It will also send out the signal that you care for their wellbeing.
  • Set your Marketing Goals: Though we are already into the holiday season, it’s not too late to set your objectives for 2021. This will help you have a clear sense of direction for the New Year. For good ideas, talk to your staff as well as your friends and acquaintances from other law firms. You could set a resolution to network more with other attorneys, make a list of legal conferences you want to attend, and so on.
  • Utilize new Lead Opportunities: Most law firms do not totally shut down during the holidays. There may be new clients looking for your services and you shouldn’t miss such opportunities for building leads. This means that there should be a proper and prompt system to answer calls from prospects during the holidays – a practical way would be to contract an experienced round-the-clock answering service to handle such calls.

These are some of the things you could plan for the holidays that will give you professional as well as personal satisfaction. At our medical record review company, we are sprucing up our blogs with holiday blog posts we hope our clients will like. This is a great way to share holiday ideas whether general, or related to your services and products. Make sure that your law firm also stays on top of the mind of your clients by engaging in constructive holiday activities. Make full use of online and social media marketing and be creative so as to identify unique holiday marketing opportunities. The most important consideration is to be appreciative and considerate in whatever you do.

Happy Holidays and a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year from all of us here at MOS (Managed Outsource Solutions)!

Discover our medical record review solutions and partner with us for your next case.

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