Check out Our Top 10 Blog Posts of the Year 2020

by | Published on Dec 28, 2020 | News

Accurate medical records review is necessary for law firms, insurers, lawyers, plaintiffs and life care planning agencies for diverse purposes such as trial preparation or claim handling requirements. Being an experienced company providing medical record review services, our blogs were focused on highlighting the importance of record reviews, medical case chronology and chart reviews for attorneys, insurance companies and physicians. As we are heading to a New Year, let us take review of our most insightful blog posts of 2020.

Here are our top 10 blog posts of the year 2020.

  1. What Are the Changes Expected for Social Security In 2021?
    Social security retirement and disability benefits that provide economic support to Americans undergo changes every year and those changes are announced by the SSA (Social Security Administration). Here, we discussed the key changes that the social security programs are expected to undergo in 2021. Key changes include increase in disability income limits and full retirement age, and COLA increase by 1.3% among others.
  2. How to Optimize the Medical Record Retrieval Process
    For insurers, medical record retrieval is an important process to collect medical records for risk adjustment programs and quality measurements. The faster the process, the more time payers get to evaluate records for completeness and determine the accuracy of data abstraction. This post discusses key tips to optimize the medical record retrieval process.
  3. Key Tips to Summarize Deposition Testimonies
    Deposition testimonies are a crucial part of any litigation, as it may be used at trial to impeach a witness on the stand. Deposition summaries will provide substantive evidence to support the case. A well-written summary offers a concise overview of the deposition and helps in the pretrial preparation. We provide effective tips to summarize a deposition transcript.
  4. New Social Security Disability Rule to Be Effective from April 27, 2020
    The SSA (Social Security Administration) frequently updates their rules and regulations, and social security disability attorneys need to stay abreast with these. This post discusses the new regulation “Removing the Inability to Communicate in English as an Education Category”, which came into effect on April 27, 2020.
  5. Medical Record Retrieval and Medical Record Organization Tips for Paralegals
    Paralegals in a law firm are responsible for collecting all medical records relevant to personal injury, product liability, medical malpractice and such other cases. In this post we provide key tips for paralegals to retrieve and organize medical records in a systematic way, such as ensuring a consistent format and avoid mixing up the records of different clients.
  6. HIPAA Compliance for Law Firms and Attorneys – Some Facts to Know
    Not only law firms, any business dealing with protected health information (PHI) must be compliant with HIPAA’s strict privacy and data security standards. This post provides information on the most common HIPAA violations and tips on how law firms can adhere to these security guidelines.
  7. Workers’ Compensation Coverage for Dental Claims – What Dentists Should Know
    In the case of workers’ compensation, it is important that any injury including dental injury at work is immediately reported to a superior. Dentists often find it difficult to manage a workers’ compensation dental claim. Here, we provide important information for dentists.
  8. 7 COVID-19-related Changes Likely in Social Security Disability
    The Social Security Administration (SSA) has introduced significant changes in the way they function and in their policies, to adapt to the COVID-19 situation. The blog is about SSA’s operational changes and certain changes that are predicted to happen to social security disability in light of COVID-19.
  9. Common Medical Documentation Errors That Could Prove Costly
    All patient care information must be correctly recorded, so that physicians can monitor what is being done and prevent the risk of medical errors. Medical documentation mistakes can lead to medical litigation and quality assurance concerns. We discuss the four most common documentation errors in this post.
  10. Best Practices to Conduct a Remote Deposition
    It is expected that remote depositions could very well replace in-person depositions in a short time. Here the post offers information on some best practices attorneys have to follow when using remote deposition, so that everything goes smooth and secure.

Our SEO rankings have proved that these resources were of use for our clients at some point of their business management and record review efforts.

Stay tuned for more and more informative blogs from our team in 2021.

Discover our medical record review solutions and partner with us for your next case.

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