10 Types Of Orthopedic Injuries That Can Lead To Medical Malpractice Cases

by | Published on Jun 3, 2022 | Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice cases due to medical errors in orthopedic procedures are common due to the high risk involved in the treatment procedures. Most of the orthopedic medical claims are sought for perioperative and operative cases. Medical records review is integral for attorneys to understand and establish the degree and severity of the injury. The injuries can arise due to both surgical errors and medical errors pertaining to orthopedic care. Orthopedic injuries are devastating for the health and finance of the plaintiff. Medical malpractice attorneys are required to thoroughly investigate the case, and strongly build the case based on the medical records of the patient.

Orthopedic errors

Medical malpractice victims are eligible for compensation if there was an orthopedic surgeon’s negligence.  Orthopedic surgeons are required to adhere to a certain standard of care. If the surgeon fails to meet the expected standard of care, he/she may be held liable for causing harm to the patient. Medical malpractice can arise due to the following orthopedic errors:

  • Incorrect diagnosis of the medical condition
  • Missed diagnosis or delay in diagnosing the root cause of the medical condition
  • Error in interpreting CT scans, x-rays, or MRIs
  • Performing surgery on the wrong part of the body
  • Failing to identify post-surgical problems
  • Keeping surgical instruments inside the body of the patient
  • Putting implants in the wrong way
  • Causing harm to the body parts around the surgical site

Types of Orthopedic Injuries That Can Lead To Medical Malpractice Claims

With reference to moorebarlow.com, below given are the types of orthopedic injuries that can lead to medical malpractice claims:

Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice attorneys have to engage in diligent fact-finding through a comprehensive medical chart review. Merits of the case are built through interviewing key witnesses. A medical records review company can assist attorneys in examining all pertinent medical records in a cost-effective and time-bound manner.

Disclaimer: The content in this blog is meant for informative purposes only, and does not constitute professional legal opinion. Please contact an experienced attorney for a professional opinion.

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